If you haven’t yet invested in your company’s LinkedIn presentation, it’s time to review that position. Understand the potential that this network has for your business!
LinkedIn is certainly the social network with the greatest potential for strengthening networking that exists today. However, several people often create pages there (whether personal or about the company), but do not take care of that space as they should.
In order to give you an idea of the potential reach of this network, it is worth highlighting some data. According to information from the platform itself, LinkedIn currently has 740 million users, which means nearly an endless supply of network connections and job opportunities. From seeking a new job to maintaining your personal brand, LinkedIn is an essential part of being a full-fledged professional in any industry.
In addition, 50% of traffic on the network, originating from B2B business social networks, comes from LinkedIn. The network is the choice of 91% of executives for the dissemination of content in their segments.
Post, it’s important that people know who you are
Therefore, it is essential that your company looks at this platform with more affection, given its reach potential. There, you have the possibility to share relevant content about your area of expertise, direct people to interesting articles, infographics, or other materials on your company’s website, in addition to participating in interesting discussions to add value to the community you belong to.
It is important to emphasize that the construction of value is measured not only by the products or services you offer, but also in the knowledge that you have and are willing to share. LinkedIn is a way to demonstrate that your company is not “stuck” in an institutional discourse. There is the space to interact, create important links with potential talents, customers, partners. It is a closer way of demonstrating to the community what you have to offer.
We are human, and we like the feeling of belonging
Have you ever heard of familiarity bias? The concept concerns behavior that we have and that unconsciously influences our decisions. We tend to act according to what we are familiar with. We group up with our peers and make decisions based on what we identify with.
In some respects, this bias can lead to bad decisions (as in the investment world, in which many people miss good opportunities because they are not willing to invest in products that they do not know well), on the other hand, the same bias can be useful for you to build stronger bonds with your peers on a network like LinkedIn.
Posting relevant content and participating in discussions is a way for you to be part of a larger whole. More than contributing to the community, being present is a way for you to nurture a strong network and create space with similar ones around the world.
Note: Creating a LinkedIn is free, and many functions are available to all account holders, so you can benefit from most of the possibilities that LinkedIn grants. You can pay a monthly payment for a premium account to get extra functions.
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